一百多年前,充滿好奇心的小女孩愛麗絲追著奇怪的兔子掉進了兔子洞,光怪陸離的世界,瑰麗詭譎也混沌不明。 那段旅程是冒險、也是啟蒙體驗。
此展覽以『兔子洞』為名,藝術家展示她眼中的現實,如同Lewis Carroll透過異世界的角色說:「我並不奇怪、怪誕,也不瘋癲,只是我眼中的現實跟你眼中的現實不同。」
Over a century ago, Alice, a curious little girl, fell into a rabbit hole while chasing a strange rabbit. That bizarre world was magnificent, treacherous, and chaotic. It was a journey that was an adventure and an enlightening experience.
Since then, the rabbit hole has become synonymous with a strange, unknown world or a complex, unsolvable condition. Escape and return, like a magic pocket, are two sides of reality and fantasy, reflecting the viewer’s self-orientation and desire.
Titled “Rabbit Hole,” this exhibition showcases the artist’s reality, like Lewis Carroll states through the character of another world, “I am not crazy; my reality is just different from yours.”
展期Dates ▎2022.11.25 - 12.17
開幕茶會Reception ▎11.26(六)15:00 - 19:00
地點 Venue ▎伊通公園 IT PARK ▎台北市伊通街41號3樓 Taipei, Zhongshan District, Yitong St, No.41,3F ▎週三- 週日13:00 - 19:00